Helping E-commerce Merchants Through Advocacy

Online business owners face many unique challenges that are specific to e-commerce. They must ensure that customer information is secure, prevent cyberattacks, attract customers through ethical advertising, and deal with product and return policies. Government policy and laws can often make these challenges even more difficult, so it is good to have an advocate to stand up for your interests.

Advocacy helps to ensure that your e-commerce business is treated fairly. Advocating for e-commerce merchants includes actions that will influence public policy, laws, and budgets. NMA uses its relationships, the media, and messaging to educate the local officials, federal officials, and the public about the needs of e-commerce merchants. 

There are three main types of advocacy: individual advocacy, self-advocacy, and systems advocacy. NMA is involved in supporting merchants with their self-advocacy, providing systems advocacy through legislative actions, and encouraging individual advocacy. Advocacy involves not only promoting the interests of a group of people but also providing them with support where they need it.

NMA is the leading advocate for e-commerce businesses across the nation. We are committed to keeping merchants informed about the changing laws within the online payment industry. E-commerce merchants must stay up-to-date on these bills to make sure that they are legally running their business, and able to self-advocate for their business when it comes time. NMA provides important representation in Congress when significant bills impact the e-commerce industry.

Preventing Unnecessary Costs for Small Business Merchants

NMA is the only association that is advocating on behalf of e-commerce businesses to eliminate the unnecessary costs that come with accepting electronic payments and credit cards. We understand that your profit margins are not always huge and it is important to ensure that you can make money from your online sales. After attracting the perfect customer, shipping a product, or providing a service, the last thing that you want is to be bogged down with so many fees that you barely earn any money.

We keep you informed about payment processing and tell you the truth about accepting debit and credit cards. The payment processing fees can be difficult to understand and cost you a lot if you don’t understand the pricing model. At NMA, Our goal is to keep merchants educated on the best ways to lower their processing costs.

In addition to keeping you informed, we ensure that the laws surrounding payment processing for e-commerce merchants are fair and balanced. We track the legislation that will affect your business so we can offer you guidance on self-advocacy. NMA makes sure that you know what actions to take to ensure your business is protected. 

Managing Risk for Small Business Merchants

E-commerce merchants are considered ‘high risk’ merchants and may be declined by traditional banks for merchant accounts. Unlike a typical bank,NMA helps e-commerce and high-risk companies manage their risk through careful underwriting, relationship building, and ongoing monitoring. We take care of the small details which may classify your business as ‘high risk.’ NMA’s payment processing solution and global network of partnerships allow your business to reduce their risk, save money, and help you process transactions more safely than the competing solutions.

By managing your risk and providing the merchant services that you need, NMA keeps you in business. Besides providing merchant services, NMA also helps you optimize your accounts so you are profitable.

Representing E-commerce Merchants in Congress

NMA actively gets involved in legislation on behalf of small business merchants. They joined the Electronic Transaction Association at the Capitol Hill Fly-inon Wednesday, September 5, 2018, to represent the interests of the e-commerce merchants who had subscription-based businesses.

CEO Heather Altepeter, Chief Strategy Officer Jason Altepeter, and Strategic Business Development Director Butch Hildebrand attended the Fly-in. Electronic payment issues were being discussed with policymakers in Washington, so NMA joined efforts with ETA members to ensure that the interests of the e-commerce merchants were represented.

NMA met with Members of Congress who serve on two Congressional Payment Caucuses, as well as federal regulators. They discussed the payments industry and provided information on how the industry operates.

Providing a Professional Network for Small Business Merchants

Joining NMA connects you to other top e-commerce merchants who have expertise in the online marketing industry. Participating in a professional network connects you to other industry experts that may have more knowledge about the legal issues affecting your business. They may provide you with insight into how to advocate for your business on certain topics.

In addition to legal advocacy, a network of other business professionals creates unique opportunities that are priceless. Interacting with other e-commerce merchants may provide opportunities for collaboration and strategic alliances that can help you increase business as well. For example, you may meet another merchant with a similar target market that is open to promotional partnerships and referrals.

Personalized Support to E-Commerce Merchants

NMA supports its members through fast, personalized support. Their team is ready to make your merchant experience as profitable as possible. They succeed when you succeed, which is why they are truly invested in your success.

NMA will walk you through an easy setup for payment processing, so you can start accepting credit card payments quickly. They will be there for you to answer all the questions that you may have. Whether you need help to understand a legal issue, or simply want guidance on setting up your payment processing, NMA is there for you to help you succeed.

Joining NMA gives you a partnership in your success. You’ll have access to a professional network, personalized support, and educational resources as you need them. We want to see you succeed. At NMA, We Work For You™! Click here to join today! 

About NMA

NMA is a global leader in merchant payment processing services and is dedicated to helping merchants and agent partners grow their businesses by generating sales opportunities and maximizing profits. Ranked for the third year in a row among the Inc. 5000 fastest-growing private companies, NMA owes much of its success to its strong commitment to advocacy. NMA works for agents to create a pro-businesses payments environment and for merchants to eliminate the unnecessary and unreasonable fees associated with accepting electronic transactions. Visit or call (866) 509-7199 for more information.

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